9:30am Check in & Opening Remarks
9:45am Lupus & Body Image - Presented by Dr. Meenakshi Jolly
10:15am Break
10:25am Lupus & Men - Presented by Dr. Dmitriy Cherny
10:55am Break
11:05am New Medications & Lupus - Presented by Dr. Ailda Nika
11:35am Break
11:45am What’s it like to be a healthcare professional with lupus?
Presented by Stacy Jaimes, MD & LaShon Gurrola, BSN, RN,
12:15pm Break
12:25pm Lupus & the Skin - Presented by Dr. Penelope Skopis
12:40pm Rush Lupus Clinic Panel Discussion
1:00pm Closing Remarks
Rush University Medical Center -
Searle Conference Center - 5th Floor 1725 W Harrison St
Chicago, IL 606012
Thanks to our sponsors
Thanks to our sponsors
Thanks to our sponsors
Thank you for registering for the annual Rush Lupus Clinic & LSI Educational Event coming up on Saturday, December 3, 2022.
This is a LIVE event at Rush University Medical Center in the Searle Center.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at 312-542-0002 or email us at info@lupusil.org.
Please share this information with anyone you think may benefit from this event.
We look forward to seeing you on December 3rd!
Mary Dollear
Thanks to our sponsors