A Message from the President Lupus Awareness Month officially ends tonight at midnight. We can’t thank the hundreds who worked to increase lupus awareness in their communities by volunteering, participating in a walk, advocating, using social media and passing out information. This truly is a special month because of YOU! Thank you! There’s never a better time to donate than during Lupus Awareness Month. LSI could not provide the support, education and awareness without your support. Read More | | | |
Educational Webinar: Lupus & Your Teeth Join us via computer, tablet, smartphone or telephone for our first Lupus Education Webinar! Presented on June 13, 2018 at 6:30pm. Celia Mimms, DDS, will present. Registration Required Registered participants will receive information on how to login and call in to the meeting. | | | | |
Viviendo con Lupus La Sociedad de Lupus de Illinois te puede ayudar Junio 26, 2018, 6:00—8:00 PM, Presentado por Juan Schmukler, M.D. y una discusion con el Panel de Expertas en Lupus. Casa Michoacán, 1638 S. Blue Island Ave., Chicago, IL 60608 | | | | |
Dr. Jolly Presents Webinar on Lupus Dr. Meenakshi Jolly, LSI Medical Advisory Board member - in conjunction with the Illinois Department of Minority Health presented a webinar on lupus on May 4, 2018. The webinar can be viewed in its entirety here. | | | | |
Lupus Research Review with Dr. Katz Dr. Katz reviews two recent lupus research studies published in the Journal of Rheumatology. Click here to read the review. If you have questions about recent research, email mary@lupusil.org or call 312-542-0002. | | | |
LSI's Medical Advisory Board Member Dr. Rosalind Ramsey-Goldman to receive the Paula H. Stern Award for Outstanding Women in Science and Medicine Paula H. Stern Award for Outstanding Women in Science and Medicine Honoring Rosalind Ramsey-Goldman, MD, DrPH After careful evaluation, the committee selected Rosalind Ramsey-Goldman, MD, DrPH, Solovy Arthritis The Women Faculty Organization (WFO) of Feinberg School of Medicine (FSM) has been announced as this year’s winner for the second annual Paula H. Stern Award for Outstanding Women in Science and Medicine, established by the Department of Pharmacology in conjunction with the WFO. The award is in honor of Dr. Paula Stern’s 50 years of scientific accomplishments and dedicated service to Feinberg, and it will be given annually to an FSM woman faculty member who has exhibited successful basic, translational or clinical research, strong leadership at a local, national, and/or international level in her field, and as an exemplary role model inspires and mentors trainees and/or junior investigators. Research Society Professor of Medicine and Medical Director, Clinical Research Unit. Dr. Ramsey-Goldman will be honored by the WFO on Wednesday, June 6 at 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., first with the award presentation in Baldwin Auditorium, then a short talk by Dr. Ramsey-Goldman, followed by questions and answers. Afterwards, a brief reception with refreshments will be held in the Ryan Family Atrium. Congratulations to Dr. Ramsey-Goldman! | | | |
Gender Differences in Quality of Life in Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. (Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken). 2018 Apr 25. doi: 10.1002/acr.23588. [Epub ahead of print]) Thanks to Medical Advisory Board Member Dr. Meenakshi Jolly. Read the Abstract | | | Sleep Disturbance and Depression Symptoms Mediate the Relationship between Pain and Cognitive Dysfunction in Lupus Patients. (Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken). 2018 May 4. doi: 10.1002/acr.23593. [Epub ahead of print]) Thanks to Medical Advisory Board Member Dr. Meenakshi Jolly. Read the Abstract | | | |
Illinois Lupus Walks are OPEN! The LSI hosts 2 walks in May in honor of Lupus Awareness Month! Walks are a great opportunity to raise awareness about lupus and raise funds for the LSI to continue to provide free support services to the lupus community! Every registered walker gets an official 2018 Lupus Walk tshirt and a fundraising page to promote lupus and raise funds! We have terrific incentive prizes for participants raising money, too. If you haven't been to an Illinois Lupus Walk, you are missing out on a great opportunity to meet others in the lupus community - a group of people who understand what lupus is! | | | | |
Chicago Marathon If you're already running the Chicago Marathon, why not run it for us! There's no fundraising minimum and you'll get the support of the LSI and an entire team of Lupus Charity Runners! Funds raised through the Lupus Charity Runners supports programs, services and research for Illinois’ lupus community! | | | | |
Attention Northern & Southern Suburbs Lupus Walkers! Continue the fun from Walk Day! Enter the PHOTO CONTEST! Post your favorite photos from WALK DAY to Facebook or Twitter with #LSIWalkPhoto and/or email to liz@lupusil.org. The person with the most likes on their photo WINS A PRIZE and their picture will also be featured on LSI walk website next year! Photo contest ends October 31st! (e-mail and address will be required to receive prize) | | | |
Living with Lupus as Medical Student Stacey Jaimes-Herrera is a second year medical student at Loyola University Stritch School of Medicine. The following is a message she wrote to her class about her experience as a patient with lupus: I am telling you my story because I wanted to share the following lesson with you. During all of my difficult times, it was not the physicians who had all the answers that brought me comfort. The physicians who really comforted me and brought me healing were those who acknowledged my family in the room and who placed a hand on mine and said “we will be with you and get you through this.” A patient care technician recently came into my room with a bucket of soap and warm water and washed my feet and then used warm wipes to wash the rest of my body. She addressed an area of self-consciousness I felt when a room full of physicians examined me half naked, their faces in awe at what was probably the most interesting case on the floor. The patient care technician brought me healing without anyone’s request and without any drugs. I am always amazed at the nurses who are like the soldiers in the trenches, they have treated me with such kindness and love that my heart is simply overwhelmed with gratitude. My eyes fill with tears as I remember all of the innumerable acts of kindness performed by my healthcare team, family, and friends. Their words of encouragement have motivated to get out of bed despite the pain and work with my physical and occupational therapists to improve my mobility. | | | |
Highlights from Lupus Awareness Month | | | |
 | Bike the Drive for Lupus Charity Riders! It was a beautiful day for a bike ride! Thanks to the Lupus Charity Riders for coming out for Bike the Drive on Sunday, May 27, 2018! Especially to LSI Board Member Bill Evans who has raised $1,200 so far for the LSI! Thanks Bill! | | |  | Spencer Crossing Elementary School Lupus Fundraiser! Congratulations to Jenny Finley and Mike Rakoczy who hosted an AMAZING fundraiser on May 10, 2018! There were over 50 raffle baskets and the restaurant was so crowded it was unbelievable! This event was completely driven by Jenny & Mike! we truly appreciate all of their hard work! | | |  | RUSH Celebrates World Lupus Day! Rush University Medical Center celebrating World Lupus Day! On May 10 (World Lupus Day) Rush's Rheumatology Dept. and the Dept. of Social Work and Community Health took the time to celebrate and educate staff, patients and family about lupus. Cake, coffee, treats and message boards were distributed, in addition, one of Dr. Jolly’s lupus patients shared her personal experience and distributed LSI (Lupus Society of Illinois) brochures, resources and events. Click here for more photos from the day | | | |
Illinois Lupus Walks Celebrate Lupus Awareness Month The LSI hosted the Northern and Southern Suburbs Lupus Walks to celebrate Lupus Awareness Month. The events brought out hundreds of supporters and raised over $60,000 so far! Thank you to all of the volunteers, committee members, walkers and donors who help make this event possible! Walks enable LSI to provide personal assistance to the lupus community! There are still 2 walks left - the Western Suburbs on August 11, 2018 and Chicago on September 23, 2018. Register today! | | | | |
The Lupus Society of Illinois' mission is to promote lupus awareness and complement the work of health care professionals by providing personalized resources for the lupus community while supporting research. | | | | | Contact Us Lupus Society of Illinois 411 S Wells St, Ste 710 Chicago, Illinois 60607 3125420002 mary@lupusil.org | | | |