A Letter from the President Dear Friend, We promised BIG changes in May and we have delivered! Today, we introduce the first issue of the Lupus Society of Illinois Butterfly Effect eNewsletter! We changed our name and our look! We hope you like the new format and refreshed look. Last week, we launched our new website! Our hope is that it is easier to navigate - particularly the upcoming events calendar. We invite you to take a look and let us know what you think! Lupus Awareness Month 2019 has been a great success - and all because of YOU! So many volunteers have made Lupus Awareness Month meaningful due to their education and awareness efforts. Special thanks to Dr. Patricia Canessa, Kay Mimms, Donna Emery, Bettie Carter, Courtney Wulf and everyone who has made increasing lupus awareness a priority! You can read about some of their accomplishments here. The Northern Suburbs Illinois Lupus Walk was a wonderful day - hundreds came out and raised over $20,000 toward our mission in Illinois! The Southern Suburbs Lupus Walk is June 1st - and it's shaping up to be a stellar event! There's still time to register and form a team. Thanks to everyone for all of your hard work! Together we make a difference. Mary Dollear | |